My Background

I went to college to become an engineer and I successfully completed my Stanford Product Design degree. That degree did include several art studio classes,some of the most interesting and successful classes but totally unpractical as a further course for study at that point. I then worked in manufacturing, product engineering, and then software development and test. Although during the span of my careers I did create a handful of art works, I didn't really explore significant artistic expression until I retired at 70. I enrolled at College of Marin as a full time art student. The school has had excellent facilities and very capable instructors. 72 units later, I found a studio in San Francisco and painted full time. Over time that environment, including travel and parking were antithetical to what I wanted from the experience. I found another studio in Berkeley and moved in 2022. Sweet spot: closer, parking, and friendly environment.


My Works

Many influences and influencers may purport to give guidance but the only real directional arrow is internal: keep going or not. We do develop more skills for some indeterminate time. Just keep going. My paintings are alternately figurative and abstract, some more abstract than others. I have done a couple dozen paintings based on software language symbols. Some are more obviously code. I can't say what it all means. Mostly it all drifts out of the ether. Some have evolved out of materials, processes, and theory of design and color. A spark just drags me through an unexplored corridor for a while.

I also have continued to code in various languages just for fun.

My Website

The website is my own design and coding, with pluses and minuses that will likely evolve. A spark dragged down this path again. I had done some website maintenance in a prior life. This one is both simpler because its not commercial and more complex than that prior experience because it is responsive to different viewing devices. It is not commercial, no selling or direct marketing. No links to gather information about you. I will only interact with you if you take the initiative by sending an email. This may change but for now the site is mostly here for you to see my work. Enjoy.

A Note About Color

I started out trying very hard to match your experience with the "reality" of the paintings hues, values, textures and whatever else could be technically possible. It's still a goal but elusive. There are so many transformations possible with lighting, camera, your devices and settings between the paintings and what you see that reasonably close is the best I can do, unless, of course, you come to my stdio.